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Stop Resisting Nonfaculty Careers

You can love your field, your specialty area and academe, but sometimes they won't love you back, writes Christine Kelly.

Stuck in a Writing Rut

Even if you haven't yet tackled your summer writing project, you still have plenty of time to make significant progress, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

The Scholar on the Set

Erin L. Thompson gives advice to academics being interviewed on television about how to be a good talking head (even if you’re wearing the wrong shoes).

A Unicorn in Academe

From my own point of visibility, I am able to allow others to feel seen, to feel they are not alone, to feel their struggles and experiences are valid and recognized, writes Eric Joy Denise.

A Letter to My Pretransition Self

As a trans man who teaches courses on feminism, gender and women, there is a noticeable difference in how you approach the material, writes Seth.

Being International on the Job Market

When search committees promote a one-size-fits-all model of successful job interviewees, they erase or undervalue rich professional experiences, argues Ligia Mihut.

Listening to 21st-Century Feminism

As an institutional leader who is trying to discern what women students need and to promote conversations about feminism on your campus, what should you do? Raymonda Burgman provides some guidance.

Where Are the Brains?

As educators, we need to bring a far greater understanding of how the brain works to our conversations on teaching, learning and student success in higher education, argues Karen Costa.