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It's possible to be a successful academic without working more than 40 hours a week, writes Trish Roberts-Miller.

Sabbatical Planning

Erin Marie Furtak considers the questions she faces.

Don't Ride the Bandwagon

Just because a teaching idea is hot doesn't mean you need to embrace it, writes Rob Weir.

Starting Over, Part 2

Changing jobs can stress out a professor. Cathy Day has done it four times, and offers advice on adjusting to a new college.

Starting Over, Part 1

Changing jobs can stress out a professor. Cathy Day has done it four times, and offers advice on adjusting to a new college.

Preparing a New Course Without Imposter Syndrome

Eric Anthony Grollman writes that self-doubt can be defeated.

The Age(ism) of Diversity

It's time for colleges to admit that they don't seriously consider older applicants for faculty jobs -- and then to start hiring talented academics older than 40, writes Robert J. McKee.

Tenure at Small Colleges

At liberal arts institutions, writes Alan Hughes, teaching and community are crucial to your tenure bid.