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Finding E-Mail Equilibrium

Eszter Hargittai offers tips to stay informed, responsive and efficient.

Tenure Candidates and Used Cars

Martin H. Krieger explains why deans trying to "sell" a tenure candidate to a president may be trusted as much as someone on a car lot.

Out in the Classroom

Shawn Trivette reflects on his experiences.

Digital Badges in the Classroom

The "badge" movement has grown mostly in the realm of noncredit work, but instructors at traditional colleges can use them to enhance teaching and learning, too, write Alan Reid and Denise Paster.

How We Respond to Students

Instructors need to be careful to ensure that their comments encourage, writes Andrew Joseph Pegoda.

Decoding Job Ads

What the notices say is only part of what they mean, writes Cheryl E. Ball.

How I Spent Summer 'Vacation'

Academics need to explain to others what they do when they don't have teaching duties, writes Eszter Hargittai.