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Tesla, 'Insane Mode' and Online Education
What the battery-powered transportation transition tells us about the digital learning revolution.
Alt-Ac Training, Higher Ed Careers and 'Demography: A Very Short Introduction’
What would your Very Short Introduction be about?
How 'Rule Makers, Rule Breakers' Might Explain the Academic/IT Divide
Why professors are Chaos Muppets, administrative IT professionals are Order Muppets and how this divide is breaking down.
Learning Analytics and 'The Tyranny of Metrics’
The costs, and potential benefits, of data-driven postsecondary decision making.
'Fiber' Is a Wake-Up Call to our Digital Learning Community
What is our role in pushing universal fiber internet?
Should Higher Ed Liberals Read 'Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition’?
And when it comes to thinking about the future of higher ed, are we liberal university people more conservative than we realize?
Does 'Bloomberg QuickTake: Disruption's Fallout' Disrupt the Idea of a Book?
What is this wonderful thing?
What Might University HR Make of 'Rebel Talent'?
Positive deviancy.
An Indispensable 'The Job' and Our Higher Ed Market for Labor
In imagining a different sort world of work, can we also imagine a different sort of work in higher ed?
Does 'The End of Advertising' Matter to Higher Ed?
Has a university ever advertised during the Super Bowl?
Why Reading ‘Never Split the Difference’ Is Helpful for Negotiating Academic Life
What the FBI’s former top international hostage negotiator can teach us about surviving academia.
How do you choose your nonfiction books?
'Merchants of Truth', Journalism and Higher Ed
The existential digital challenge.
Is 'Empty Planet' Too Little Worried About the U.S.?
Glimpsing our future in South Korea.
Why Our Students Should Read 'Police Craft’
Cop confidential.
Why 'The Future Is Asian' Should Inform Your University's Strategy
Can books start campus conversations?
Reading 'Underground' and Thinking About the World Beneath Our Campuses
A book for those curious about what lies below.
Reading 'Heart: A History' Through an Innovation Lens
How the world advances.
Why 'Homo Deus' Is the Perfect Book to Read on Spring Break
How to feel smart while avoiding the work of getting smarter.
Why Amy Webb should be invited to campus -- right now.
’The Human Tide’ and the Baby Boomlet in Population Books
On destiny and demography.
Welcome Michael P. Lynch, Author of 'The Internet of Us’
Combining an author introduction with a book review.
'Loonshots' and Our Imagined Higher Ed Futures
Crazy campus ideas.
'Jump-Starting America' as an Invitation to a Conversation With Economic Conservatives
What are the counterarguments?
Hiring, Performance Reviews and 'Nine Lies About Work’
Might this terrific book energize us to adopt a learning science lens in recruiting and evaluating staff?
Higher Ed Risk and 'An Economist Walks into a Brothel'
What risks have you taken in your academic career?
On Reading 'The Lost Gutenberg' and Giving Up Paper Books
How has your relationship with books changed?
'Zoo Nebraska' and Small Colleges in Rural Areas
How are zoos like colleges?
University Incumbents, Learning Innovation and 'Goliath's Revenge’
Might traditional universities have more advantages in creating whatever comes next in higher ed than we realize?
Reading 'Coders' to Decode Higher Ed IT
Why everyone on campus should understand how the software that we depend on is created.
'Brave New Work' and the Crisis of Higher Ed Careers
How are you feeling about your job?
Jared Diamond's New Book, ‘Upheaval,’ and Thoughts on Living a Big Academic Life
Make no little scholarship.
Emotions, Academic Work and 'No Hard Feelings’
How do you feel about your higher ed job?
Can Krueger's Superb 'Rockonomics' Help Us Understand Higher Ed Economics?
'Power Trip' and Energy Studies as a Liberal Arts Major
With a list of eight other books on energy that I’ve reviewed for Inside Higher Ed.
Is There a Rational Counterargument to 'Clear and Present Safety’?
Plus six other books that we should require all college students (and misanthropic academics) to read to convince them that the world is getting better, and that they should all stop worrying so much.
Tyler Cowen, 'Big Business' and the Role of Companies in Higher Ed
If capitalism is so good for the world, why shouldn't it be good for nonprofit universities as well?
Arguing Against 'Range' by Sharing What I Don't Know About Online Education
Do generalists really triumph in a specialized world?
'The Technology Trap' as Companion to 'Robot-Proof’
Is this the book that higher ed folks should be reading in 2019?
'The Levelling’, Higher Ed and the End of Globalization
A frustrating book that introduces an important conversation.
'Superpower,' Energy and Academic Transformation
Wind power, higher ed and the five stages of driving change.
Books on the impact of technology on jobs and the place of higher ed in this conversation.
'Late Bloomers' and Nontraditional Academic Careers
A book to help us make sense of our nonlinear professional lives.
'Digital Transformation' and the University
What might the convergence of cloud computing, big data, IoT and AI mean for us?
What Might We Learn From 'Talking to Robots’?
With a theory about why academics so anxious about the future of technology and jobs.
Can We Argue With 'The Value of Everything’?
An invitation to academics to my right.
Reading 'From Gutenberg to Google' as a History of the Future
The continuity of information revolutions.
3 Lessons from ‘Kochland’ for Higher Ed Progressives
Why those who believe in college as a public good should read this book.
Thinking about university employment in an age of bad ideas about work.
‘Ludicrous’, Tesla and Champions of Higher Ed Change
How a well-written, unbalanced, deeply reported and only somewhat persuasive book about an electric car company might help us think about the future of colleges and universities.
'The Good Jobs Strategy' and Precarious Faculty Employment
Might this book force us to question the economic logic behind the shift away from prioritizing the creation of tenure-track positions?
The Cautionary Tale of 'Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber’
The many ways in which we must fight against the Uberization of higher ed.
Talking About 'What We Talk About When We Talk About Books’
A fabulous book about the history and future of reading.
'Transaction Man': The Rise of Disposable Professors and Insecure Institutions
Can Lemann's institution-to-transaction-to-network framework explain the current postsecondary reality of concentrated privilege and systemwide anxiety?
Reading ‘Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education’ Through a Learning Innovation Lens
Where I differ from Grawe.
Arguing For and Against 'The Meritocracy Trap’
A highly positive review of a book that made me think and left me deeply unpersuaded.
Why we should be suspicious of books that confirm what we already believe.
Let's Talk About Malcolm Gladwell and 'Talking to Strangers’
Medium and message.
On Showrunners, Professors and ‘I Like to Watch’
What higher ed can learn from the TV revolution.
Wizards, Prophets and ‘The Fate of Food’
Where food tech and ed tech worry overlap.
Reading 'Audience of One' on the Recommendation of Sibyledu
Viewing Trump.
Deploying 'The Way We Eat Now’ as a Model to Think About Higher Ed
What if we thought about the postsecondary ecosystem in the same way Bee Wilson thinks about food?
Who Should Read Bill Bryson’s ‘The Body’?
A walk through our anatomy.
'Make, Think, Imagine' and the Current Anti-Tech Zeitgeist
Against technological solutionism.
Why ‘Infinite Game’ Is a Business Book That Higher Ed People Might Actually Like
And why every OPM leader might want to read this book.
'Love, Money, and Parenting' and 'The End of Babies'
The economics of the disappearance of children.
Netflix, Low-Cost Online Master's Programs and 'That Will Never Work’
Why higher ed today is like Blockbuster Video, circa 2000.
‘Hotbox,’ High-End Catering and Higher Ed
An excellent addition to the Kitchen Confidential genre of nonfiction.
Why Now Is the Time to Talk About ‘The Immigrant Advantage’
Exporting higher education.
Academics and 'The Intelligence Trap’
Some of the mistakes about online education that I might be making.
Higher Education and ‘The Gift of Global Talent’
Let's talk about international students (and faculty).