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My mom majored in English…. I did not. Articulating jumbled packages of thoughts into a coherent story ... sometimes I struggle with that. When I stroll through myriad posts within the student affairs blogosphere, I am consistently impressed with the level of thoughtfulness, vulnerability, forward-thinking, and love. Love for the profession, care for colleagues both near and far… it’s energizing to read so many wonderful posts. There are so many great writers within the student affairs profession.

Like a lot of my blog posts, this one is currently being crafted inside an aircraft on its way to New England (editing took place on the ground in Boston). Forgoing the always magical in-flight wi-fi, my mind started recalling student affairs blog posts that I would categorize as “good, bad, and ugly” (don’t worry, I’m not going to start talking to empty chairs). The majority of student affairs blog posts that I read are found via Twitter, RSS feeds, and some Google Alerts. Some posts are strictly informational while others take a more tutorial-oriented approach. A lot of post authors utilize storytelling to weave powerful narratives.

The majority of student affairs bloggers exhibit tremendous amounts of grace. It’s humbling to read something that someone has written that came from a place of hope and care. The educational blogging landscape is chock full of snark, passive aggressive prose, and negativity. Student Affairs practitioners aren’t immune (if I had a mirror, I would be looking into it!) to dipping into those murky digital waters, but for the most part, blogging SAPs (we really should reclaim and own this acronym - take that haters!) model the type of attitude that drives the profession – an ethic of care that is supported by a graceful community. Here's a list of Student Affairs blogs. I made a copy of the original since it's an open doc and I wouldn't want anyone to erase this awesome document.

Our blog posts make us laugh, cry, learn, innovate, grow, question, and build. As leaders within the higher education sphere, we need to continue adding value to our community. Keep it positive, churn the critical waters, acknowledge things when they are tough, and radically push the ebb and flow that is challenge and support.


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