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Magazines are rarely something that I purchase when I'm at home in Boston. However, my tune changes when I'm in an airport. Maybe it's because I'm tired of working while in-flight or perhaps my brain needs something to chew on at elevation. Lately, there are a select few titles that have made their way into my indestructible backpack. Notably, most of the magazines that I'm reading "in the air" are not focused on education. Rather, they are generally centered around technology, business, innovation, and/or why people do what they do. Okay, the irony of those last two sentences is not lost on me. But really…we love our navels in higher education. If only innovation originated in our belly buttons. I digress. Without further anatomical mentions, here are the publications that I've been eyeballing:

  • Fast Company - They are extremely hip in terms of their social media presence. And, Fast Company's web presence is top notch. Sometimes their content is profound and sometimes it's artful…they are at their best when they combine insight with artistry.
  • Inc. - A place for entrepreneurs and seasoned business folk, Inc. is a great magazine for anyone who wants to learn more about business practices. Note: Student Affairs graduate students, if a business course is optional in your curriculum, take it…take it now!
  • Harvard Business Review - It costs $16! I know…the pages have to be made from recycled Zuckerberg hoodies. Anyway, HBR is deep. Sometimes I completely disagree with their articles, but they make me think. It's a thick publication in many ways…take your time with this one!
  • Psychology Today - I like to know why people do what they do and how they think about things in general. A bit of an outlier in my magazine stable, Psychology Today provides ample perspective.
  • The Atlantic - This magazine is fierce! Their writing is some of the best in print and online. Diverse in scope and delightful in their reporting, I always learn something new when I read through The Atlantic.
  • WIRED - I used to subscribe to WIRED magazine. Then, I stopped caring. Their covers were no longer enough of a draw and they just weren't producing quality work. Lately, WIRED has gotten better. Think of WIRED magazine as the fluffy, more entertaining title in this list.
  • Forbes - This title is my kryptonite. Where wealth is trumpeted above all, Forbes is nowhere near my demographic. However, with Justin Bieber on this month's cover, I gave it a shot and was pleasantly surprised. Learning, as we all know, can occur in unexpected places…in unexpected moments, even with articles about a talented Canadian pop star.

What are you reading?


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