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With Great Technology Comes Great Responsibility

Experts predict upcoming technological developments and consider their impact on the higher ed classroom.

Avoiding Missteps in Online Programs

Anthony Piña says there are six ways institutions stumble in terms of distance education and provides tips and advice for how to avoid them.

Net Neutrality Rollback Concerns Colleges

The creation of internet fast lanes could come at a high cost to higher education, experts on technology and learning warn.

Online Learning Consortium Honors Innovations

Three institutions earned the Online Learning Consortium's annual Digital Learning Innovation prize.

Universities May Band Together to Share Product Accessibility Reviews

As reported by Inside Higher Ed, failure to provide accessible technologies for learners with disabilities can have serious consequences for...

Survey: Instructors Support Digital Technologies, but Many Institutions Lack Implementation Plans

That's one of the main takeaways from a newly released survey of chief academic officers. Another big one: OER will be major source of content for courses within five years.

National Online Learning Database Launched

As reported by Inside Higher Ed, Oregon State University Ecampus has created a database compiling research on the efficacy of...

Take My Advice

Seventeen instructors offer guidance for colleagues teaching an online course for the first time (and for those seeking a few new ideas).