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On Leave and on Their Own

Boston University mental health experts published a set of guides for helping students who take leaves of absence for psychological reasons.

Advances in Deaf Education

Colleges and individuals are endeavoring to make education for deaf people more inclusive and accessible by developing technical vocabulary, training interpreters of color and ensuring greater access.

Loan Relief for Borrowers With Disabilities

Student loan borrowers with disabilities will have an easier time getting relief during the pandemic, the Education Department announces. About 41,000 people with $1.3 billion in debt will now be back on track for loan discharges.

Admitting a Student, and Turning Down His Accommodation (at First)

Stanford admitted Antonio Milane but denied him a scribe that he says he needs for homework. After he attracted 57,000 supporters with his story of having cerebral palsy, the university changed its position.

‘Proof of Concept’

Some students with disabilities asked for recorded lectures before the pandemic. With universities eyeing reopening, will they take that flexibility away?

Online Learning Era Neglects Blind Students' Needs

A year after many campuses transitioned to remote instruction, blind students continue to encounter barriers that undermine their learning.

Disability as Diversity

Colleges and universities are making progress on efforts to serve disabled students, but some advocates and scholars say higher ed has been slow to recognize disability as an identity group or include it in programming around diversity and inclusion.

PC Labels Do Disservice

Pretending the significant challenges that disabled students must grapple with aren’t real -- just different -- does not help and perhaps even harms them, argues Stephen Stern.