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Teaching Ambiguity

Robert Eisinger makes the case for emphasizing fluidity over concreteness and probability over facts in the college classroom.

Can You Trust Automated Grading?

ETS says new research shows its program can be superior to human evaluation of college students, but MIT scholar says claims are built on false premises.

Classroom Matters

UNC-Chapel Hill plans to scale back controversial online Spanish 101 experiment after three semesters.

Who Is Really Adrift?

Educators shouldn't be so quick to embrace a critique of colleges that is based on a narrow testing tool, writes Robert J. Sternberg.

Ramping Up Rigor

Lynn University in Florida finds a way to answer general critiques of academic quality: a return to a retooled core curriculum.

Can Students Learn to Learn?

Colleges experiment with metacognition as a means to change behaviors and improve performance.

What Degrees Should Mean

Lumina releases draft "profile" of what students at various levels should know and be able to do, regardless of discipline; accreditors and private colleges to test it.

Lost in the Middle

While faculty endlessly debate general education and requirements for the major, they should also focus on the potential of electives, writes Dan Edelstein.