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Community Colleges to Add New Apprenticeships to Work Force

AACC is helping community colleges answer President Trump's call for more apprenticeship programs and partnerships with businesses.

An Ousted Dean Returns

Western Kentucky reinstated the dean its now ex-provost forced out last week. What does the saga say about academic leadership, especially at institutions facing change?

Who Owns the Bachelor's Degree?

Community college presidents believe they should be allowed to award bachelor's degree to reach students left behind by traditional four-year institutions. Growing evidence says they're right, Mary Alice McCarthy writes.

Presidents Divided on Community College Bachelor's Degrees: a Survey of Presidents

Community college and university presidents are sharply divided over whether two-year institutions should offer bachelor's degrees, a new Inside Higher...

After Cuts, Jesuits End Ties to Wheeling Jesuit

University's president says the troubled West Virginia institution will be "rebranded" this fall after the Society of Jesus announces it can't continue its affiliation. The move follows sharp cuts to its liberal arts disciplines, including theology, philosophy and history.

Positive Mind-Set Tied to Engagement, GPA

Community college students perform better and are more engaged when they have a positive attitude, or "growth mind-set," about learning and improving.

Doing More With Data

A growing number of colleges and employers are working together to better use labor-market data in postsecondary training. Two experts discuss what's possible and what's needed.

Few Lessons Learned on For-Profit Closures

As Dream Center collapses, Trump administration's oversight of massive for-profit college deal under scrutiny. Critics ask why more protections weren't sought after purchase of Argosy and Art Institutes chains.