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How to Save a Program

Two universities work together to try to save a doctoral degree in audiology that one of them abandoned as a money loser.

Terrorism or Stupidity?

The arrest of a Grinnell student shows that yesteryear's silly prank can be today's felony.

Suicide Risk

The percentage of students who try to kill themselves may be increasing, a new study suggests.

How Educated We Are

Annual data from the Census Bureau point to continuing disparities in degrees.

The Push to Get In

Early decision applications continue to rise at competitive colleges -- and colleges continue to see more applications from women.

Churchill Wars Continue

As experts on academic freedom weigh in on the latest developments, controversial professor says he won't cooperate with new investigation.

Borrowing More, Earning More

Changes in federal policy in the 1990s led students to take on more debt, but higher post-graduation salaries helped them start repaying the funds.