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More Trustees Fear for the Future

More than 40 percent of trustees are now very concerned about the future of higher education, up 14 points from last year, according to a survey.

Who Leads on College Learning?

Significant experimentation has taught us much about what works and what doesn't in teaching and learning -- yet the knowledge remains diffused, not systemic. Can anyone marshal it?

Football Coach Suspended for Hitler Comments

Grand Valley State University in Michigan suspended a recently hired football coach over comments he made to the student newspaper...

Certificates and Associate Degrees Can Outearn Bachelor’s

A new report from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce finds that nationally, colleges are awarding as many...

Appeals Court Blocks Adjunct Union

Duquesne is a religious institution and so is exempt from National Labor Relations Board rules, appeals court finds.

Another Art School Merger

The Watkins College of Art will merge with Belmont University later this year, joining a growing list of tiny colleges, particularly in the arts, that struggled to go it alone.

‘Ground Control to Major Tom…’

William Kuskin discusses the early results from his institution's effort to pilot an at-scale affordable degree.

Curing Programmitis to Create Diverse Student Success

Transformational change -- a total restructuring -- is needed to disrupt embedded patterns and reorient campuses for a new student body, argues Adrianna Kezar.