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Survey on What College Applicants Want

TeensTalk, an annual survey of college freshmen and high school students preparing to apply to college, is conducted by Chegg...

NYU Challenges 'Deplorable' Professor's Claims

New York University is further challenging a professor’s contention that he was encouraged to take time off after a diversity...

ACT Moves Testing in South Korea to Single Site

ACT is closing all of its 32 existing test centers in South Korea for the remainder of the academic year...

College Says It Didn't Mean to Strip Faculty From Course Listings

Faculty members at the financially imperiled College of New Rochelle were surprised late last week to find that their names...

Harvard Sexism Scandal Spreads to Cross-Country

Harvard University officials, already facing a scandal over the way members of the men's soccer team treated members of the...

Another Women's College Considers Admitting Men

The University of St. Joseph, in Connecticut, is creating a committee that will study whether the women's college should admit...

Delta State Takes Down Mississippi Flag

Delta State University, which has been the last public university in Mississippi to fly the state flag, announced Thursday that...

Academic Minute: Campaign Songs

Today on the Academic Minute, Paul Christiansen, associate professor of music at Seton Hall University, delves into the way music...