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Advocacy Groups Seek Data on Student Debt, Racial Inequality

The National Consumer Law Center sent a letter to Education Secretary John King today asking the Department of Education to...

Academic Minute: Cambrian Explosion

Today on the Academic Minute, Simon Darroch, assistant professor in the department of earth and environmental sciences at Vanderbilt University...

Azerbaijani University Fires 50 Turkish Faculty

An Azerbaijani university fired 50 Turkish faculty for alleged links to the cleric Fethullah Gülen, whom the Turkish government blames...

Study: Most Ontario Adjuncts Are Would-Be Full-Timers

A new survey of part-time faculty members in Ontario offers additional evidence that most adjunct instructors are no longer professionals...

Compilation of Articles on Campus Safety

Inside Higher Ed is pleased to release its latest print-on-demand compilation of articles, with the topic “Campus Safety.” You may...

Anger at Southern Maine in Response to Racist Slurs

A student at the University of Southern Maine, Nimco M. Mohamed, has attracted considerable attention on Facebook with posts describing...

Advocacy Group Puts Spotlight on Debt Relief Companies

A higher education advocacy group is looking to bring attention to student debt relief companies marketing to borrowers services they...

Wayne State's School of Medicine to Cut 37 Faculty Jobs

Wayne State University is trying to shed medical faculty members it views as “underproductive or unproductive,” The Detroit News reported...