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India is protesting the way the U.S. Department of Homeland Security created a fake university in suburban Detroit in an effort to identify undocumented immigrants who might seek to enroll. Federal authorities received extensive coverage, much of it positive, for the sting operation. But authorities in India say that some of its citizens are being detained after being fooled into thinking the university was legitimate. A statement issued by India's Ministry of External Affairs said that the U.S. should distinguish between those who try to violate federal laws and those who are "duped" into doing so.

"Our concern over the dignity and well-being of the detained students and the need for immediate consular access for Indian officials to the detainees was reiterated," said the statement. "We underlined that students, who may have been duped into enrolling in the ‘University’ should be treated differently from those recruiters who have duped them. We have urged the U.S. side to share full details and regular updates of the students with the government, to release them from detention at the earliest and not to resort to deportation against their will."