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The State University of New York at Fredonia is investigating a distinguished teaching professor of philosophy after videos of him discussing pedophilia surfaced on social media. The clips, reportedly taken from a podcast appearance and a philosophy discussion on YouTube, appear to show Stephen Kershnar musing about the “threshold” age for “adult-child sex,” whether there should be one at all and comparing sex to other “activities that children engage in that they don’t understand all that well.”

Stephen Kolison, university president, said in a statement, “SUNY Fredonia is aware of a video posted online involving one of its professors. The views expressed by the professor are reprehensible and do not represent the values of SUNY Fredonia in any way, shape or form. They are solely the professor’s views. The matter is being reviewed.”

Kershnar’s faculty bio says he’s written 10 books and 100 articles and book chapters on “such diverse topics as abortion, adult-child sex, hell, most valuable player, pornography, punishment, sexual fantasies, slavery and torture.” He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.