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A young mother sitting at a table at the library balances a child on her lap as she takes notes on an open notebook next to two textbooks (one open, one closed).

Necessity Is the Mother of Innovation

Our current sociopolitical environment brings new urgency to the need to better support students who are single mothers, Aimée Myers writes.

An aerial view of Massachusetts Institute of Technology's urban campus, with the Great Dome visible in the center.

Making Sense of MIT’s Diversity Decline

Jim Jump considers the drop in underrepresented racial and ethnic minority students in MIT’s new entering class.

An illustration featuring the book covers of the seven books featured in the accompanying column.

Into the Fall

As the summer reading season comes to a close, Scott McLemee looks ahead to forthcoming university press releases.

A photo illustration that highlights a quote from a recent American Association of University Professors statement on academic boycotts. The quote reads, "Individual faculty members and students should be free to weigh, assess, and debate the specific circumstances giving rise to calls for systematic academic boycotts and to make their own choices regarding their participation in them."

In Defense of the AAUP’s Statement on Boycotts

John K. Wilson opposes academic boycotts but supports the AAUP’s controversial new statement nevertheless.

A drawing of seven raised hands with different skin colors; above their raised hands are seven speech bubbles, each with a question mark. The image is intended to convey the concept of a group of students raising their hands to ask questions.

‘In Pursuit’: The Power of Epistemic Humility

Elizabeth H. Bradley and Jonathon S. Kahn ask if the breakdown of dialogue on campus is in part a reflection of how we teach.

Five students gather around a laptop in a university library.

A Model for Advancing Institutional Effectiveness via Undergraduate Research

To help scale traditional faculty/student models of undergraduate research engagement, institutional leaders can consider research peer mentoring, group-based programs and community-engaged research, write Brett H. Say and Caitlin Pingree.

Pro-Palestinian protestors trying to set up a solidarity encampment at the University of California, Los Angeles's Kerckhoff Hall May 23. One protester climbs a ladder to what appears to be a roof to join other protesters; signs in the background espouse support for Palestine.

Where Progressive Illiberalism Reigns

Litigation stemming from antisemitism on campuses shows that colleges must revive their commitments to freedom and tolerance, Austin Sarat writes.

A standardized test answer sheet with bubbles filled in. A pencil and a small circular clock sit atop the sheet.

Do Colleges Have to Go Back to the SAT?

Test-optional admissions policies remain a valuable tool for expanding access, even if impacts are modest, Julie J. Park, Kelly Rosinger and Dominique J. Baker write.