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Transparency or a 'Selig Strategy'?

As Commissioner Bud Selig and several prominent players attempted to evade subpoenas for recent House of Representatives hearings on baseball’s...

On Being the 'Other'

When one interviews for a tenure-track position at Virginia Military Institute, the process often seems more like an orientation session...

Sports: What Women Want?

New guidelines on Title IX aren't the real problem for women's sports, argues Neal McCluskey. What's wrong is that women are less interested in athletics than men are.

Travels in Weblogestan

Sure, American scholars are studying blogs. But if you want to see a real debate, go to Iran....

Luxury, Subsidy and Opportunity: Purchasing a Quality Education

Do parents and students get their money's worth when they pay for a prestige college? John V. Lombardi does the math.

A Reason to Move

When state lawmakers pass anti-gay legislation, Lynn Adler writes, some academics know it's time to look for another job.

Foul Play

The Education Department's new 'clarification' on Title IX creates a huge compliance loophole, say Nancy Hogshead-Makar and Donna Lopiano.

Falling Into the Generation Gap

Between Baby Boomers and Generation X, between the Left and the Right, there falls ... the shadow!