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Wikipedia at 15

Celebrate or hate it as you will, writes Scott McLemee, Wikipedia has metamorphosed from its beginnings as a gangly cultural interloper into the de facto reference work of first resort.

What Cosby Scandal Teaches Us

The rescinding by various colleges of Bill Cosby's honorary degrees, says Karen Gross, leads us to a much broader question: Under what specific circumstances should an honorary degree be revoked?

Aesthetics on the River

Charlie Tyson reflects on the lessons of beauty and thought learned from rowing and from study of the humanities.

The Moment We've Waited For?

The recent protests on campuses have made it clear that we in higher education have students' attention and engagement, writes Elizabeth A. Lehfeldt. Now we have to decide what to do with it.

No Longer Bystanders

In these times of student protests as well as terrorism at home and abroad, American college and university leaders must commit to a far more robust infrastructure to support international students, argues William G. Durden.

Procrastination-Proofing Students

The more we understand procrastination and think it through with our students, write Steven J. Corbett and Michelle LaFrance, the more we can help them build lifelong habits that allow them to be successful.

Note From New Jersey

Michael Klein challenges Dean Dad's assertion that the state's higher ed system is failing its residents.

Fresh Start

In David Galef's latest dispatch from U of All People, a professor promises to turn over a new leaf in 2016. Skepticism is warranted.