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Bumpy Road to Reforming College

President Obama's plan to use data to change the financing of higher education will be derailed by potholes and dead ends if it isn't mapped out well, John Thelin writes.

The Promise of Religious Colleges

Though they may seem vulnerable amid the threats of higher ed "disruption," this time could be a propitious one for America's colleges of faith, Thomas Albert Howard argues.

Religion Without God

Ronald Dworkin's first posthumous book is a defense of religious atheism. Scott McLemee reports on a matter of ultimate concern.

Constitution Day and Higher Ed

An annual holiday should spur academics to think of their unique responsibility to teach the art of citizenship, writes Christopher B. Nelson.

Beyond the Skepticism

It's appropriate to be cautious about the way MOOCs and other innovations are changing higher education, but efforts are moving ahead to measure and assure their quality, writes Molly Corbett Broad.

The Real Truth About 'Real World'

When we use the popular phrase as a contrast with academe, we insult our profession and confuse key issues, writes Heather Dubrow.

Not Just a Place to Sleep

Colleges need to make residency halls into sites for civic learning, writes Adam Weinberg.

Through the Learning Lens

If they are to avoid the fate of Eastman Kodak and Swiss watch makers, colleges need to abandon outdated and idiosyncratic policies and practices that don't put student learning front and center, George Boggs argues.