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The Playboy Philosopher

Bernard-Henri Lévy has become an American media superstar. Scott McLemee thinks his fifteen minutes are about up.

I Hate Bucky Dent

Todd Diacon wonders what today's students -- behind their closed doors -- don't know about their dormmates and how that lack of interaction is changing the nature of the college experience.

Planning for Contraction

Timothy Burke looks at the changing economic landscape for higher education -- and sees a coming period of relative austerity.

Breaking the Code

It isn't as spiffy as the homeland security threat level system, but David Galef tries to explain the latest revision of U of All People's course coding system.

Don't Go Changing

Barack Obama’s campaign slogan, “Change we can believe in,” will never be mistaken for a classic of the genre. It...

The Anti-Intellectual Presidency

A new book looks at the dumbing-down of American politics. Scott McLemee is surprised it's in one volume.

Colleges Should Stand Up to the Entertainment Industry

Times have changed, and just because the music and movie industries face challenges is no reason for them to turn higher ed into their enforcers, writes Kevin Carey.

Stop Trying To Get Tenure and Start Trying To Enjoy Yourself

The best approach to a mysterious process and unreasonable demands is to ignore them, writes Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.