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Colleges Should Stand Up to the Entertainment Industry

Times have changed, and just because the music and movie industries face challenges is no reason for them to turn higher ed into their enforcers, writes Kevin Carey.

Stop Trying To Get Tenure and Start Trying To Enjoy Yourself

The best approach to a mysterious process and unreasonable demands is to ignore them, writes Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.

The Veterans Are Coming! The Veterans Are Coming!

Edward F. Palm, as a Vietnam vet and community college dean, offers some advice on what to say and do -- and what not to say and do.

Thinking Outside the Quad

Finding too little time to research and write, Paul Youngquist concocts a timely solution for what to do with those pesky undergraduates.

D.F.W., R.I.P.

The late David Foster Wallace didn't settle for satire. Scott McLemee says farewell to a wild talent.

Poetry, Bow Ties, Station Wagons, and the Scholarly Life

Julio Alves recalls the professor who taught him how to be a student.

The Worst Academic Careers -- Worldwide

Philip G. Altbach and Christine Musselin wonder if things are getting so bad that a new kind of ranking is called for.

'Call Me Phil'

I’m Phil Dolly, Ed. D. Recently resigned, or deposed, community college president. Yesterday I was the CEO at North East...