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Adjunct Pay and Anger

Two adjuncts discuss their working lives -- and the ways they respond to the injustices they face.

9 to 5

It's possible to be a successful academic without working more than 40 hours a week, writes Trish Roberts-Miller.

Sabbatical Planning

Erin Marie Furtak considers the questions she faces.

Don't Ride the Bandwagon

Just because a teaching idea is hot doesn't mean you need to embrace it, writes Rob Weir.

Starting Over, Part 2

Changing jobs can stress out a professor. Cathy Day has done it four times, and offers advice on adjusting to a new college.

Starting Over, Part 1

Changing jobs can stress out a professor. Cathy Day has done it four times, and offers advice on adjusting to a new college.

Preparing a New Course Without Imposter Syndrome

Eric Anthony Grollman writes that self-doubt can be defeated.

The Age(ism) of Diversity

It's time for colleges to admit that they don't seriously consider older applicants for faculty jobs -- and then to start hiring talented academics older than 40, writes Robert J. McKee.