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Learning to Reflect – Getting Through a “Mid-Degree Crisis”

I'm not sure if this Grad Student phenomenon has a name yet, but I'll give it one - "The mid-degree crisis". You are about two years into your degree, but still two (or more) years away from finishing. Most of your structured requirements are finished, but you've done less than half the work that you'll need to do for your degree. And one day… you can’t remember why you pursued your PhD to begin with.

Microsoft, Nook and the B&N College Bookstore Potential

This deal could either mean very little or quite a bit for higher ed, depending on how committed Microsoft is to education. Barnes & Noble has 641 college bookstores. Someday soon these bookstores will stop selling dead tree textbooks. Every book, article and textbook on your syllabus will be digital.

Funding on a Curve

My state is considering tying individual colleges’ shares of the state higher ed allocation to “performance” on a series of measures. And it has no intention of increasing the size of the allocation. In other words, for Northern State to get more, Southern State would have to get less. We’ll be funded on a curve.

Peer-Driven Learning: Quick on My Feet

Reflections on a second semester using peer-driven learning, and how social media makes me a better teacher.

What Dinty W. Moore Knows

Writer, editor, teacher, Dinty W. Moore shares some thoughts about writing in a conversation about his new book, The Mindful Writer.

Life stories

News of the unexpected death of a former collaborator has me thinking about my own life and my legacy. Where have I come from, where I am now, and where am I going?

Massive Open Online Courses: How “The Social” Alters the Relationship Between Learners and Facilitators

We're getting close to the tail end of the 36-week-long experiment called #change11, or “the mother of all MOOCs.”

Pure Parental Exhaustion

Late Spring is always difficult. It’s the end of the academic year, so that brings with it the Revenge of the Rubber Chicken Circuit -- a cascading series of evening events calculated specifically to defeat family time. Each event is worthwhile in its own right, of course, but the sheer number of them becomes wearing.