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2 Cheers for Getting Rid of the SAT Essay and the Subject Tests

The eliminated tests had some purposes, even if they were flawed, writes Ben Paris.

College Board Kills Subject Tests and SAT Essay

Reaction is mixed. Most experts say College Board had little choice.

The Week in Admissions News

NYU applications top 100,000; information added to College Scorecard; students with disabilities; community college students.

Lawrence's New Deadline

Unlike some peers, the Wisconsin university decided not to extend its admissions deadline. But it created a new deadline -- a month later.

Who Benefits From 10% Plans?

Report questions whether state plans that automatically admit top percentile of high school graduates truly produce equity.

‘The Hunger Games’ and Higher Education

Catharine Bond Hill uses the novel and film to discuss the flaws of letting in students by lottery. A much broader approach is needed, she writes.

Admissions Have and Have-Nots

Institutions with money and prestige are doing very well this year; those known for serving low-income students, not so much.