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Au Revoir, Bitch

For bloggers of a certain vintage -- those of us who marched into the academic blogosphere around 2004-5 -- the...

What's a Sophomore?

Last week I had a nice discussion with some people who work at nearby four-year schools. We were discussing the...

Final Exams

An alert reader sent me this link to a Boston Globe story about Harvard eliminating its final exam period. We’ve...

Deans and Free Speech

In a nutshell, this is why I write under a pseudonym. Apparently the University of Connecticut fired a dean who...

Ask the Administrator: Payment Upon Completion

A new correspondent writes: We, the faculty, have just been notified by our president that the Texas Legislature (which can...

School Pictures

We got The Boy's and The Girl's school pictures this week. Admitting my own bias upfront, it's still fair to...

Mandating Laptops

Does anyone out there work at a public college that mandates that students buy laptops? I’m increasingly convinced that we...

$35 Million in Perspective

Apparently at the White House Community College Summit yesterday, President Obama announced no new public money for community colleges. But...