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Accentuate, I'm positive

Back over Xmas/New Year's, my daughter introduced me to Dracula's Riddle, which took me about a month's worth of spare...


Related to the subject of Wednesday's post ( Eliminate the what?), an interesting thread started up today on the Green...

Eliminate the what?

My job just got a lot harder. At least, if it didn't, I'm missing something significant. Part of what I'm...


I've been remiss. Mea culpa. Well, maybe not all that culpa; I'll plead mitigating circumstances. The end of the academic...

Freecycle it

One of the mantras of the sustainability movement is "reduce, reuse, recycle." The three options are stated in order of...

Modest proposal #11 - Take the day off

Let's say you live some distance from campus, not near any other employees who work a schedule similar to yours...

Modest proposal #10 - Pay to park

I'm currently putting the final numbers together for Greenback's greenhouse gas inventory. As on a lot of campuses, the last...

Do more, do less

OK, so the blog has been on hiatus for a few days. I haven't. Quite the opposite. Since the weekend...