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Math Geek Mom: Empty Sets

When I was a child, a new way of teaching math was introduced and soon became popular. Often called the “new math”, this approach to math included an attempt to build up all of math from the concepts of “set theory.” Indeed, in those days, every math class began with a chapter on “sets.”

An Economist Short Book: "In Gold We Trust?"

Is the Economist getting into the concise non-fiction e-book business? Will the Economist be the latest organization to trade on its brand and stable of thought leaders to challenge traditional publishers with an e-book only strategy?

AASHE 2012 micro-epiphany

At one of the lunches provided at last week's AASHE conference, I was involved in a conversation with an opposite number from another campus when -- from across a crowded room -- I had a flash of insight. Or I caught a flash of something and formed an insight. Probably 5 or 6 years after it should have occurred to me anyway.

Social Media and Teaching

I had the opportunity to attend a session last week, hosted by Pearson, on how higher ed faculty use social media. Much of the content was quite interesting.

Overheard in the Locker Room

One of the consolations of middle age is that it brings the power of invisibility. That brings with it a certain amount of unintentional eavesdropping.

"Red Ink": The Book Every Student Should Read Before the Election

What is your vote for the book that you think every student on your campus should read before the election?

Is Lab Safety An Ethical Issue?

Analysis and advice on questions and issues of individual ethics and institutional integrity, from Jane Robbins. Do you have a question or comment that you wish to make anonymously? Click here to send it to me.