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Closing a Confucius Institute, at Congressmen's Request

After two congressmen write to Texas A&M raising concerns that the Chinese-government backed Confucius Institutes are platforms for political propaganda and espionage, Texas A&M says it will close them.

‘Losing Hearts and Minds’

Tens of thousands of Iranian students studied in the U.S. in the 1970s. New book tells how they helped unsettle the diplomatic relationship between Washington and Tehran in lead-up to Iranian Revolution.

An Ivy Degree, With an Irish Twist

Columbia and Trinity College start dual B.A. program modeled on an existing Columbia collaboration with France's Sciences Po.

Poaching Talent From U.S.

Canada announces 24 scholars recruited to its universities from all over the world -- with more than half coming from the U.S.

Humanities at Risk in Denmark

Plan would link number of university spots to labor market needs.

Is Russia Really Too Risky?

New State Department rating system provides more nuance to colleges in deciding where they will and won't let students travel. Russia may lose students, but Israel and Mexico may see gains.

Will U.S. Restrict Visas for Chinese Students?

News reports that the Trump administration is considering restrictions on visas for Chinese citizens raise concerns about potentially “devastating” impact on American colleges and U.S. competitiveness.

‘Voided’ Invitation to University in Singapore

Amid reports of screening of visiting scholars, university apologizes for “oversight.”