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XBA Certificate for Veterans

Fullbridge gets into the credential business by partnering with Concordia University Chicago on new graduate certificate aimed at veterans of the U.S. military.

The Default Trap

Community colleges ask Washington for help on a federal loan-default measure they say is snagging colleges where relatively few students borrow.

Student Debt on Campaign Trail

As Democrats look to keep their grip on the U.S. Senate, they’re touting their support of legislation to let borrowers refinance their debt at lower interest rates.

Not-So-Cardinal Sin?

Senator John Walsh appears to have plagiarized final paper for master's degree. It would have been the nail in an academic's coffin, but he remains in Congress and in race for election this fall. Why?

House Overhauls Tax Breaks

Lawmakers' overhaul of higher education tax benefits gives colleges and universities things to cheer and protest. They also approve a bill to boost student loan counseling.

Who's Responsible?

At Senate hearing, state and federal officials point fingers at one another when discussing who can fix issues of college cost and access.

Baby Steps for Higher Ed Act

Taking its first votes on renewing the key higher education law, House lawmakers unanimously approve legislation to boost federal support of competency-based education. But full reauthorization remains far off.

Experimenting With Aid

The U.S. Education Department opens the door to more tests with competency-based education, which could help set a new regulatory framework.