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How Far Is Too Far in Admissions Marketing?
Experts consider how colleges can differentiate themselves from their competitors -- without trash-talking.
Making Marquette More Diverse
To attract Latino students, university links to a network of Catholic high schools, builds transfer relationships with community colleges, and adds Spanish-speaking staffers.
New President for SHEEO
The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association has hired Robert E. Anderson to be its new president, beginning in August...
Post-Truth and First-Year Writing
Such a class can provide a model for constructive, fact-based public discourse and stand as a model of principled resistance in a “fake news” era, argues John Duffy.
College VP Sends Email on Possible Closure
A Holy Cross College administrator mistakenly sent an email to the entire student body last week that contained confidential information...
Santa Cruz Agrees to Demands of Black Students
Ending a three-day occupation of a campus building, the chancellor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, agreed to meet...
Bryan Trustee Resigns Over President's Actions
A trustee has resigned from the board of Bryan College, a small Christian college in Dayton, Tenn., over his concerns...
William Paterson Faculty Votes No Confidence in President
The Faculty Senate at William Paterson University in New Jersey voted no confidence in its president, Kathleen Waldron, last week...
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