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Common Application and CollegeNET Settle Suit

The Common Application and CollegeNET announced -- without detail -- that they had settled an antitrust lawsuit filed by CollegeNET...

Educating 'Working Learners' and 'Learning Workers'

A new paper explores the shifting landscape in which new forms of credentials (shorter, offered by many types of providers)...

New Report: Diversifying Graduate Schools and the Faculty

Inside Higher Ed is releasing our new report, " Diversifying Graduate Schools and the Faculty," today. The students of American...

Priorities for Education Philanthropies

A new survey report on national and regional education funding has found “a deep shift” among major philanthropies toward investment...

Elsevier, U of California Still Yet to Reach Deal

The University of California System and Elsevier are still at an impasse over the negotiation of a new journal subscription...

Academic Minute: The Impact of Mass Incarceration

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Swarthmore College Week, Nina Johnson, assistant professor of sociology, says understanding the social...

Nebraska AG Sues Bellevue Over Nursing Program

Nebraska's attorney general this week filed a complaint alleging that Bellevue University made false or misleading statements to prospective and...

Professor Under Fire for Comments on Killing Cops

Joshua Clover, a professor of English and comparative literature at the University of California, Davis, is under scrutiny for, according...