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Subdegree Programs for Working-Class Adults

Inside Higher Ed's Deep Dive Into the Credentials Landscape "On-Ramps and Off-Ramps" examines the fast-changing market of alternative credentials and...

Rutgers Board Nominee Draws Faculty Objections

The faculty union at Rutgers University has raised objections after New Jersey governor Phil Murphy nominated an athletics booster to...

Spending Habits of Academic Libraries Revealed

Academic libraries are buying fewer books than they used to, according to a new report by research service Ithaka S+R...

Alexander Wants New Higher Ed Law by End of Year

A top staffer for Senator Lamar Alexander, a Tennessee Republican and chairman of the Senate education committee, said Monday that...

Study: Mentorship Most Common for Arts and Humanities Majors

A new Gallup and Strada Education Network study of 32,000 current undergraduates at 43 randomly selected institutions found that the...

Johns Hopkins to Expand in Washington

Johns Hopkins University will spend $372.5 million to buy a high-profile Washington building that houses the Newseum, with plans to...

College-Educated Immigrants in the U.S.

A new analysis from the Pew Research Center offers data on college-educated immigrants in the United States. The analysis notes...

Second Failed Merger for Oregon Art College

Portland State University has announced that it will not continue discussions on a possible merger of the Oregon College of...