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House Democrats Rebuke DeVos Over Racial Policies

In a sharply worded letter to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, key Democrats on the House education committee lambasted the...

Youth Making Up Larger Share of the Electorate

Younger voters are on pace to make up a greater share of the electorate in key states this year than...

Colleges Forecast Net Tuition Revenue Declines for Fiscal 2021

Median net tuition revenue will likely decline by 3.3 percent at private colleges and universities and by 0.9 percent at...

Great Lakes Universities Launch Binational Consortium

The Council of the Great Lakes Region, the University of Illinois system and the University of Toronto announced Thursday they...

Jerry Falwell Jr. Sues Liberty University

Former Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. is suing the university, claiming he was wrongly ousted from the presidency, NBC...

Retired Mich. Violin Professor Charged With Sex Abuse

Stephen Shipps, a retired professor of music at the University of Michigan, was arrested Thursday and charged with two counts...

Federal Appeals Court: Free Speech May Be Chilled at UT Austin

A judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ordered that a district court proceed with...

VMI to Relocate Confederate Statue

Virginia Military Institute, which is undergoing a review and administrative turnover due to allegations of racism at the public military...