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Fang Zhou, an associate professor of history at Georgia Gwinnett College, is facing criticism for his online comments about immigration. He’s used such phrases as “ghetto thugs” and “libtards” in social media conversations about illegal immigration and for saying he has a “Deportation of illegal immigrants” sign in his office, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“I am against political correctness. I speak truth to power in class and my students learn about the financial drain of illegal immigration on the economy and the high crime rates of illegal immigrants,” Zhou said on Twitter. “My students are ‘woke’ and are overwhelmingly against illegal immigration after taking my class.”

Bee Nguyen, a Democratic state representative, tweeted in response, “While we celebrate the passage of the Dream Act, this @GeorgiaGwinnett professor uses hostile terms ‘ghetto thugs,’ ‘libtards,’ & spreads false narratives about immigrants. Are these the values supported by Georgia Gwinnett College?”

Zhou, a Chinese immigrant, told the Journal-Constitution that he’s undeterred by the criticism and does not force students to share his views. “If you are going to reward illegal immigrants, there will be more illegal immigrants,” he said.

The college had no immediate comment.