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A National Science Foundation-funded study of the annual Institute on Teaching and Mentoring found that 85 percent of participants say it was extremely important to their academic and professional success. Attendees at the gathering for scholars of color cited professional networking, a sense of community, career planning and -- especially -- sessions on completing the dissertation as valuable. Institute participants are significantly more likely than their peers nationwide end up working in faculty positions at four-year colleges and universities and slightly more likely than Ph.D.s overall to hold administrative roles.

The study involved analyzing survey responses for nearly 2,000 scholars who attended the institute between 2011 and 2016. Results were compared to data from the national Survey of Doctorate Recipients. The next phase of the study will examine participants’ productivity in academic fields, using new data from the Council on Graduate Schools. The institute, which will take place later this month in Atlanta, is hosted by the Southern Regional Education Board.