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Clark University and its new Teamsters-affiliated graduate student union have reached a tentative contract deal to end a weeklong union strike. Sebastián Royo, Clark’s provost, said in a campus message Friday that the administration was “thrilled to share that we have reached a tentative agreement with our students represented by the Teamster’s [sic] Local Union 170. Throughout these contract negotiations, our goal has been to come to terms that recognize the value of our graduate students and the important contribution they make to our university. I know that this has been a challenging week for everyone in our community. Though the contract still must be ratified by the union, I am hopeful that this tentative agreement brings the negotiation process to a close and we can turn all of our focus to the passion we share—teaching, learning, and having a positive impact on our world.”

The graduate student union said in a separate statement, “We are proud to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement with the university that we feel our unit will agree with. From the beginning, our goal has been to improve the working conditions for our unit and today we reached an agreement that will achieve that aim.” A vote on the contract will happen Wednesday, and details on the deal will be kept “in house” until further notice.