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How the university library is an agent of change

Often overlooked, university libraries are critical to the teaching and research missions of institutions. They also play a key role in digital innovation and community outreach. Two librarians tell us more about how they see their work as agents of change

Dame Madeleine Atkins | President of Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge

Dame Madeleine, a veteran leader in English higher education, shares how a widening access initiative led to the elite college admitting more than 90 percent of students from state schools

When pop culture meets academia

Can superheroes teach us about physics? What can studying Kylie Minogue tell us about gender politics? Two academics talk about the intersection of popular culture and higher education


Nicholas Dirks | President and CEO of the New York Academy of Sciences

The former chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley and current president and CEO of the New York Academy of Sciences makes the case for more humanities studies and argues that science shouldn't be leveraged in geopolitics

How to deal with the legacy of empire in higher education

Hear from a historian who sees decolonization as a by-product of his scholarship and a mathematician who is using original sources to teach the global history of the discipline

Academia and activism

Three academics share their experiences of using their research and teaching for social justice aims

Career advice, LGBTQ+ in the academy and public speaking tips

Hear from Ray Crossman, an out university president living with HIV in the US, about his career path, and Brian Bloch, a presentation and communication expert, on how to improve your public-speaking skills

What makes a good higher education leader?

A leadership expert and university president discuss how the requirements of the job have changed and what type of leader the current moment calls for