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"People Can Violate NCAA Rules and Then Walk Out with $750,000."

"Elsewhere, when you violate the law or the rules, you go to jail or pay a fine," says an amazed...


Let's consider two recent, related pieces in the University of Miami newspaper. The first announces the appearance, in selected classrooms...

Sixties Leavings

Evidence of UD's still-throbbing 'sixties sensibility. A list that will be added to as UD thinks of more stuff. 1.]...

In the Heart of the Heart of the Most Expensive

Three of them come to mind right away, three sensitive, eager, smart literary scholars in the making in my literature...

Scathing Online Schoolmarm

Here's writing that doesn't work -- doesn't convince its audience. In her parenthetical commentary, SOS tells you why. 'GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY...

Scathing Online Schoolmarm

Drunken assholes in a rage don't make decorous fans. The NCAA, whose annual meeting in Nashville UD just attended, can...

Scathing Online Schoolmarm

Provost Marty Krauss, whose field is mental retardation, wrote a letter to a professor at her institution, Brandeis University... a...

Illusions Perdues

UD has no idea why the University of Michigan seems to be holding this year's graduation on the campus of...