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A Valid Question to Ask

Colleges shouldn't abandon the practice of asking applicants to disclose disciplinary records, writes Pamela Brown. But admissions officers need to be trained on how to evaluate the answers.

Letter to the Alumni

David Galef on what presidents really mean when they write to graduates.

Portrait of Deception

A new study probes the secret life a European scholar brought with him to the United States. Scott McLemee finds the mystery only deepens.

Reimagining College Summer Reading

Programs for incoming freshmen can't satisfy everyone -- or can they? The philosophy underpinning Linda Hall's suggested approach: you read yours, and I'll read mine.

A Smarter Approach to College Textbooks

Faculty members need to recognize the gaps between students, publishers and professors, and push for change, writes Naomi S. Baron.

Waiting and Hoping

A gay faculty member at a Christian college describes what it's like to be watching advances in American society and at some institutions -- while remaining unable to rejoice in public.

Kill Committee Meetings

The people who work in higher education could communicate and get things done much more efficiently if they moved away from the traditional system, writes Rose Cameron.

Delivering Online Ed, Worldwide

American universities are missing an opportunity to better deliver their education globally -- through external hubs, Brett Bruen writes.