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Mend, Don't End, State Systems

In this very chaotic and difficult budget year, where funding cuts in the neighborhood of 20 percent are becoming commonplace...

Standards for Agents - and Colleges

Emergence of “sham university” preying on foreign students shows that U.S. higher ed system needs oversight just as recruiters do, writes Mark Shay.

The Other Half

Faculty and staff at selective private colleges must fight to protect state colleges and universities -- for the public good, writes Eugenia Gerdes.

Hand-Crafted Digital Texts

With free e-books, you often get what you pay for. Scott McLemee discovers the art of making do-it-yourself editions.

The Question Being Ignored

Victor E. Ferrall Jr. wants to know why leaders of liberal arts colleges aren't focused on the decreased student demand for liberal arts education at their institutions.

Science as Public Service

Homeland security requires a future in which a broader range of university researchers work with the government on projects that protect us all, writes Janet Napolitano.

Adventures with Price Indexes

What do the lunch habits of think tank researchers have to do with how colleges gauge their internal costs? Andrew Gillen and Jonathan Robe explain.

Taming the 'Wild West'

Changes are needed in the federal student aid system to ensure that money flows to worthy colleges and students, Charles Reed and King Alexander argue.