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'Call Me Dr. ______'

A young black female academic notices that students call her colleagues Doctor or Professor, but she is addressed by her first name. Kerry Ann Rockquemore reviews her options.

Get Over the Guilt

So you are a grad student or postdoc who hasn't visited the career center? Michael Matrone tells you how to get ready.

Any Questions?

Melissa Dennihy reviews what to ask and what not to ask a search committee during an interview.

Staying Healthy on a Crowded Campus

Eszter Hargittai shares tips, realizing that academics can't isolate themselves from people, some of whom will be sneezing and coughing.

Motivating Faculty to Teach Online

In the second part of a series on the influence of MOOCs on faculty behavior, Marie Norman offers suggestions for how administrators can use the courses to encourage professors to teach online.

Learning From MOOCs

Teaching massive open online courses can encourage instructors’ good (and bad) habits. Marie Norman explores how we can use what we learn to improve teaching.

Zero In-box

Kerry Ann Rockquemore writes that you can gain control of your e-mail and your time, which is essential on the path to tenure.

Searching While Pregnant

Joseph Barber considers the questions about when a job candidate may want to reveal and what to say.