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Garbo Was Wrong

Kevin Dettmar reflects on one of the key messages of COVID for him over the past year -- autonomy is different than isolation.

10 Habits to Humanize Online Classrooms

Antiracist pedagogy recognizes students as deeply complex individuals and disrupts the marginalization of those of color and others left behind, writes Amaarah DeCuir.

Find Your Inner Entrepreneur

Dissertation writing leads Ph.D.s to the core competencies of entrepreneurship, and once you spot them, you can position yourself for success in any professional context, writes Erica Machulak.

Making Freelance Academic Work a Fairly Paid Venture

Brian DeGrazia recommends some best practices for ensuring that early-career scholars receive not only professional development but also market-value compensation for such work.

Acknowledge—and Act

American higher education has failed Native American students again and again, and colleges and universities must critically examine their campuses and curricula, argues James A. Bryant Jr.

Institutional Approaches to Mentoring Faculty Colleagues

To build an inclusive climate for faculty, colleges should develop formal programs for mentoring rather than just leave it to individuals, write Joya Misra, Ember Skye Kanelee and Ethel L. Mickey.

Hope Still Matters

A year to the day after writing about hope, Mays Imad reflects upon how faculty can experience and impart hope to students even now -- when many are, in fact, feeling hope-depleted themselves.

The Myth of Shared Governance

What if we in the faculty no longer viewed people in the administration as them, asks Rachel Toor, and remembered that until about 15 minutes ago, they were us?