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Janni Aragon, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Reading the latest issues of Fast Company, Bitch, Bust, Ms, and the following books Alienation by Veronica Roth, Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot by Masha Gessen, Joss Whedon: A Creative Portrait by David Lavery, and various books about educational technology. I like to have books around the house and office and mix things up to keep me up to date and engaged with different projects. I start my morning off with newspapers and Academica, Academic Impressions, and updates from Inside Higher Education.

Mary Churchill, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

New focus on reading (and finishing!) books this year. Currently reading Bleeding Edge by Thomas Pynchon and Hitler’s Furies by Wendy Lower. Usually crammed into my small messenger bag - recent issues of the New Yorker, Harvard Business Review, and Boston Business Journal. Weekday morning emails from Lumina highlight new reports and articles on access and higher education.

Gwendolyn Beetham, Brooklyn, New York, USA

I finished my Ph.D. recently enough that “reading for fun” still has that incredibly luxurious ring to it. Right now I’m reading Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities (a gift from a close friend) and Jack Halberstam’s The Queer Art of Failure.  In addition to daily feminist and higher ed related reading online, I usually start out my mornings reading some part of the print edition of the Sunday NYT (it takes all week!).

Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Lund, Sweden

I am reading every week The Economist, to keep me abreast of current events. For fun but also for thought I read The Undercover Economist, a collection of short essays previously published by Tim Harford as a column in the Financial Times. The book is trying to answer some everyday dilemmas (for example, Is there such a thing as the perfect Christmas present? Should I allow my adolescent children to attend sexual education classes without increasing the risk of their teenage pregnancy?) with the help of economic theories and in doing so manages to be very amusing as well as instructive. Otherwise I get to peruse a lot of articles on collective memory and on extreme right-wing parties in Europe (for the two articles I am co-authoring at the moment).

Lee Skallerup Bessette, Morehead, Kentucky, USA

Are you reading “Sunday Readings” over at The New Inquiry? Well, you should. I’ve also been reading a lot of higher education leadership books. I just finished How College Works. I liked it insofar as it reinforced the importance of human interactions and relationships in the success of undergraduate students, but because it looked at a small, elite, liberal arts college, it didn’t deal with the reality most of us face in higher education, namely lack of resources, on the part of both our students and our faculty (who are largely contingent). Someone needs to write THAT book. I’m now reading (or about to start reading) Positive Academic Leadership because I need some positivity right now. But I’ve started teaching literature again this semester (yay!) and I’m really enjoying working on The Tempest, A Thousand and One Nights, and am about to dive (bite?) into Dracula.

Books are awesome.

Bonnie Stewart, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

I’m in the midst of analyzing all the data collected during my dissertation study, so my bedside reading right now is Jackson & Mazzei’s Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research: Viewing Data Across Multiple Perspectives. It’s more interesting than it sounds. Other than that, I'm reading all about Scotland, because I'm off to Networked Learning 2014 in Edinburgh next week...and am bringing my Canadian-born, Scottish-descended mother! Who hasn't been more than four hours from our town since 1972! Aye, wish us luck!

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