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A Welcome Message, or a Warning?

A State Department official says Chinese students are welcome. She also speaks of Chinese propaganda and influence activities on U.S. campuses, and of academic espionage.

No Passage to Palestinian Universities

Birzeit University joins two human rights groups to challenge Israeli visa policies that they say are blocking foreign faculty from coming to the West Bank to teach -- or forcing them to leave.

A Nobelist's Life Lessons

Michael Kosterlitz explains physics to the nonspecialist.

To Be Test Optional or Not to Be, for International Students

As more colleges make submission of SAT or ACT scores optional, the decision on whether to require scores from international applicants can raise a different set of issues.

Students Sue Over Canceled SAT Scores

Egyptian students challenge cancellation of their SAT scores for test security reasons, saying they were not given evidence or opportunity to appeal. College Board says evidence was "overwhelming."

Call for European Vigilance on Academic Freedom

Calls are in response to moves by Hungary's government.

In the U.K., a Surge in Chinese Applicants

The number of Chinese students applying to U.K. universities surges by 30 percent.

China Embraces ‘1+X’

Universities adopt mixture of academic credential and vocational certificates.