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Digital Learning in ‘Inside Higher Ed’ This Week

Among the topics: Two universities go big on big data; Arizona State and Uber team up on online degrees; federal investigations into web accessibility; dealing with GDPR.

Putting Standardization Second (or Lower) in Online Learning

Campus leaders should prioritize excellence, differentiation and institutional fidelity as they build new academic programs, Scott Moore writes.

Feds Prod Universities to Address Website Accessibility Complaints

Universities are under legal pressure to make their websites fully accessible to people with disabilities, but is "fully" even possible?

What to Expect When You're Expecting Tech Transformation

Sessions at Educause touched on academic technology collaboration, transparency around data collection, transitioning to active learning and more.

Giving Classroom Experiences (Like VR) More … Dimension

Institutions are forging ahead with virtual and augmented reality and 3-D printing in the classroom -- and learning in the process how best to approach those initiatives.

Open Source as a Model for Global Education

Education leaders and their institutions should collaborate -- even with rivals, Noah Pickus and Matthew Rascoff argue.

The State of Research on Active Learning

Interest in active learning is growing, though many remain uncertain of its value and efficacy. A new literature review offers...

How Faculty Think About OER

Open educational resources have grown a lot in the past decade, but many faculty members remain skeptical of the benefits...