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Academic Minute: Risks Leaving the Nest

Today on the Academic Minute, Julianna Jenkins, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Missouri, explores the survival rates of...

Florida A&M President Agrees to Leave Office Early

Elmira Mangum's last day as president of Florida A&M University was Thursday, following approval of an exit agreement with the...

Kansas State Denounces Racist Social Media Post

A Kansas State University student posted a photo of herself and a friend in blackface, along with a note indicating...

Northwestern Extends Grad Students' Parental Leave

Northwestern University’s Graduate School replaced a six-week maternity leave for birth mothers with a more generous 12-week leave for graduate...

$60M Gift for Social Work School at Southern California

The University of Southern California has announced a $60 million gift for its school of social work. The school will...

Britain's Prime Minister Criticizes 'Safe Spaces'

Britain’s prime minister on Wednesday criticized “safe spaces” in universities, saying she finds the concept “quite extraordinary,” The Guardian reported...

Hacker Targets Science Database EurekAlert

The science press release database EurekAlert went off-line on Wednesday after a hacker gained access to the website and leaked...

UNESCO Tool Identifies Top R&D Performers by Country

The five world leaders in terms of absolute investment in research and development are the United States, China, Japan, Germany...