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A Civility Manifesto

Cary Nelson writes that the calls for civility on campus are appropriate -- and need not squelch academic freedom, strong advocacy or unpopular views.

Why We Invited Mumia Abu-Jamal

The public discussion of a recent speech, from behind bars, to Goddard graduates incorrectly portrayed the speaker and the college, writes Jan Clausen.

I Am Curious (Yellow)

They die a thousand times, and heroes only once -- but nobody analyzes them. Scott McLemee consults the first history of cowardice

Forgetting the Faculty

When higher education administrators and reforms ignore the role of professors, write Philip G. Altbach and Martin J. Finkelstein, they risk killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

Respectful Difference

Sean Decatur describes how Kenyon College took a stand against anonymous online bullying.

Ministers, Not M.B.A.s

Graduate education in the humanities may need reform -- but the changes cannot treat the PhD as a high-end professional credential, writes Johann Neem.

Double Standard at Illinois

The university says it was worried about the impact Steven Salaita might have on some students because of his criticism of Israel. But did officials apply that test when examining professor who espoused anti-gay views?

Corruption, Continued

Zephyr Teachout's book may become a manifesto for reformers -- but not so fast... Scott McLemee takes a second look.