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WeWork, 2U Team Up to Focus on Lifelong Learners

Inside Higher Ed reported this week on the announcement by the online program management company 2U of a partnership with...

New Partnership Aims at Lifelong Learners

WeWork and 2U are working to create a “global campus” for adults studying for job-friendly credentials online, expanding their competitive footprint.

A New Home for AI: the Library

An article in Inside Higher Ed this week explores the University of Rhode Island's decision to create an artificial intelligence...

Thought Leader Interview: Ed-Tech Efficacy

Conversation with Learn Platform’s Karl Rectanus and UVA’s Kristin Palmer explores the “trust gap” between educators and vendors and the shift toward judging ed-tech products by “results.”

Physical Spaces, Transforming Before Our Eyes

Institutions are pouring money into modern spaces designed to promote active learning and technology engagement. Balancing costs and benefits remains a challenge.

Is Gameful Design the Next Big Innovation?

Principles of game design could prove useful in engaging modern students in the classroom, according to a new book from Australian academic Kevin Bell.

Building a Collaborative Instructor-Instructional Designer Relationship

Faculty members and designers need clear roles, but ones that emphasize the deeply shared nature of their work, writes Tim Milosch.

Setting Limits on Academic Outsourcing

Arbitrator's ruling backs Eastern Michigan in dispute with union over whether online program management deal curtails faculty control of curriculum.