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For-Profit Back in Business, Legal Dispute Continues

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, the Obama administration shut down the Myhre family-owned Globe University, but an affiliated university...

New Directions in Online Education

"New Directions in Online Education" is a new compilation of articles and essays from Inside Higher Ed. The print-on-demand booklet...

Does Harvard-2U Deal Challenge Skeptics?

Online program management advocates applaud as Harvard and 2U work to create an online business analytics certificate program. Others worry about corporate encroachment on teaching and learning.

Could Georgia Tech Use Online to Shave Time Off Bachelor’s Degrees?

University uses model from closely observed master’s in computer science on undergraduates for first time, finds notable success and sees path to shaving a year or more off in-person instruction.

A Pedagogical Endeavor

Until 2014, Robin DeRosa had never heard of open educational resources. Now she’s about to publish her second free open textbook.

The Digital-Native Debate

A report argues that those born after 1984 aren’t inherently better versed in technology. The author who coined the term “digital native” disagrees.

Flipped Online Course Improves Math Success

Claire Stuve says research conducted by the University of Toledo shows that blended and adaptive learning lead to the most successful outcomes.

U of Maine Adds Competency-Based Degree

As reported in Inside Higher Ed, the University of Maine at Presque Isle has created an online, competency-based degree aimed...